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ENGINEERS AND SOCIETY BENG 4322 SEM 1 SESI 2018/2019 BENG 4322 ENGINEER AND SOCIETY 1.0 Learning Outcomes At the end of this subject, the students should be able to: 1. Apply ethical principles and commitment, to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.   [PO8, LOD4, C4] 2. Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess health, safety and legal issues and its subsequent responsibilities, relevant to professional practice. [PO6, LOD4, C4] 3. Understand the needs for sustainable development and the impact of engineering solutions on society and environment.      [PO7, LOD3, C5] 2.0 Synopsis This course will discuss about ethics and professionalism, engineers and society, professional ethics, code of ethics,   ethics dealing with human relations, BEM, IEM, regulations on professional conduct, route to professional status, engineers as an employee or employer, decision making, compet...
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Engineernig Ethics BENU4583 1-2013/2014

Welcome to student BENU4583 Teaching Plan For Assignment's info please check in facebook. Please add me as friend in FB : IR Ridza Power point Chap1 also update in facebook. ENGINNERING ETHICS BENU 4583     SEMESTER I   SESSION 2012/2013      BENU 4583      ENGINEERING ETHICS Type of Subject : P 1.0          Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1.    relate the effect and impact of technology on society, culture and environment.                                              [PO9, C6] 2.    practise as a responsible professional, abiding to the code of professional ethics....


MANUFACTURING AUTOMATION 1.0 LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, students are able to: explain the basic concepts of automation and its relationship with the manufacturing system. [PO1 , C2] design a manufacturing system based on control technologies, material handling and manufacturing systems concepts.[PO4, C5] analyze the quality control in manufacturing systems.[PO1, C4] analyze the manufacturing support systems that operates at the enterprise level.[PO3, C4] develop quality control (QC) in a manufacturing system using quality control tools. [PO5, C5] work effectively as an individually and collectively through group discussion.[PO8, A4] 1.0 SYNOPSIS This course will discuss the automation and control technologies, material handling, manufacturing support systems, quality control in manufacturing systems and manufacturing support systems. 2.0 PRE REQUISITE None 3.0 REFERENCES [1] Mikell P. Groover, Automation, Production Systems and Computer-In...

DENE3353 (3 2010/2011)

DENE3353 (3 2010/2011) DENE 3353 APPLIED ELECTRONICS Type of Subject: P 1.0 Learning Outcomes At the end of this subject, the students should be able to: 1. explain the operation and the application of op-amp circuits. [PO1, C2] 2. analyze the operation of class A, class B, class AB and class C power amplifier circuits. [PO3 , C4] 3. demonstrate the three basic filter response characteristics and other filter parameters. [PO1, C3] 4. explain and analyze the operating principles of an oscillator and its application. [PO3, C2] 5. design simple power supply circuit and demonstrate the principles of voltage regulators. [PO3, C5] 6. measure the performance of applied electronic circuits through lab sessions. [PO2, P4] 7. perform experiments and present technical reports. [PO5, PO7,A3] 2.0 Synopsis This course will discuss about op-amp operations, applications and schematic diagrams, filter applications (basic filter concepts, filter response characteristics, acti...


BENE 1123 FUNDAMENTAL OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING TYPE OF SUBJECT: P   1.0   LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course, students should be able to: 1.     apply semiconductor theory in explaining electronic devices. [PO1, C2] 2.      investigate problems related to diode application circuit. [PO3, C4] 3.      choose appropriate components when designing simple BJT amplifier circuits. [PO4, C3] 4.      analyse simple BJT & FET amplifier circuit [PO3,C4] 5.      perform assignment and present technical report. [PO7, A2] 2.0   SYNOPSIS This course will discuss; 1.      Bohr Atomic Model: valency, period table of elements, trivalent, tetravalent and pentavalent elements, movement electrons in solid: conductor, insulator and semiconductor, bands theory: energy band, conduction band and forbidden band. Doping, p and n ...